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Courses for Ph.D. Programme CHEM G513 : Advanced Nuclear and Radiochemistry

Nuclear stability, binding energy, properties of nucleons; Nuclear models (Shell Model, Liquid drop model), Radioactive decay characteristics, decay kinetics, α, β and γ decay, nuclear reactions, types, radiative capture, reaction cross section, theory of fission; Nuclear reactors – classification, Reactor power, Breeder reactors, Nuclear reactors in India, Reprocessing of spent fuel, Nuclear waste management (HLW, LLW and ILW); Detection and measurement of activity, GM counters, Gamma counters, Liquid Scintillation counting; Application of radioactivity, Szilard Chalmers reaction, Isotope dilution analysis, Neutron activation analysis, Diagnostic and therapeutic applications of radionucleides, interaction of radiation with matter.

CHEM G521 : Environmental Chemistry

Energy-flows and supplies, fossil fuels, nuclear energy, nuclear waste disposal, renewable energy, industrial ecology, green chemistry, ozone chemistry, effect of SOx, NOx as pollutants, reformulated gasoline, water pollution and treatment, organochlorine and organophosphate pesticides, eco-system effects, Toxic chemicals – Effect of dioxins, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and species of metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium etc.

CHEM G531 : Recent Advances in Chemistry

The course is aimed at providing an overview of recent developments in selected areas of chemistry. Topics to be covered may be drawn from: modern theories of structure, bonding and reactivity, spectroscopy, chemical dynamics, phase transitions, surface phenomena, solid state materials, and synthetic and mechanistic organic and inorganic chemistry, or such other topics as may emerge in the development of the subject.

CHEM G541 : Chemical Applications of Group Theory

Groups, subgroups and classes : definitions and theorems; molecular symmetry and symmetry groups; representation of groups; character tables; wave functions as bases for irreducible representations; direct product; symmetry adapted linear combinations; symmetry in molecular orbital theory; hybrid orbitals; molecular orbitals of metal sandwich compounds; ligand field theory; molecular vibrations; space groups.pastingd nucleophilic addition reactions; oxidation and reduction; enolates in organic synthesis; retro synthetic analysis; multiple step synthesis; protecting groups.

CHEM G551 : Advanced Organic Chemistry

Recent advances in aromatic electrophilic and nucleophilic substitution reactions and nucleophilic addition reactions; oxidation and reduction; enolates in organic synthesis; retro synthetic analysis; multiple step synthesis; protecting groups.

CHEM G552 : Advanced Inorganic Chemistry

Advanced coordination chemistry, reactions, ki- netics and mechanism; advanced organometalic chemistry, bonding models in inorganic chemistry, inorganic chains, rings, cages and clusters; group theory and its applications to crystal field theory, molecular orbital theory and spectroscopy (elec- tronic and vibrational); inorganic chemistry in bio- logical systems.

CHEM G553 : Advanced Physical Chemistry

Equilibrium: The laws of Thermodynamics, appli- cations to phase equilibrium, reaction equilibrium, and electrochemistry; Structure: Principles and techniques of quantum mechanics, applications to atomic and molecular structure and spectroscopy, statistical thermodynamics, molecular interactions, macromolecules, solid state; Dynamics: Molecular motion in gases and liquids, reaction rate laws, mechanisms and rate theories of complex reac- tions, molecular reaction dynamics, surface processes, electron transfer dynamics.

CHEM G554 : Physical Methods in Chemistry

Advanced spectroscopic and non-spectroscopic techniques used in chemistry; Topics will include electronic absorption spectroscopy of organic and inorganic compounds, ORD, CD; vibrational rota- tional spectroscopy symmetry aspects; Dynamic and Fourier transform NMR, NOE, Multipulse me- thods, Two-Dimensional NMR; EPR; NQR; Moss- bauer spectroscopy; Magnetism; Ionization Me- thods: Mass spectrometry, Ion Cyclotron Reson- ance; Photoelectron Spectroscopy; Microscopic techniques: TEM, STM, AFM; EXAFS, XANES; X- ray Crystallography.

CHEM G555 : Chemistry of Life Processes

Synthesis and structures of biopolymers such as proteins and nucleic acids; nucleic acid replica- tion, transcription and translation; lipids and bio- membranes; transport across membranes; neuro- transmission; enzyme and enzyme inhibitors; citric acid cycle, pentose phosphate pathway and nucleic acid metabolisms; photosynthesis; elec- tron transport systems in respiration and oxidative phosphorylation.

CHEM G556 : Catalysis

A comprehensive survey of the catalytic processes along with the fundamental aspects of the catalyst design and evaluation; several classes of heterogeneous industrial catalysts; their preparation, characterization and applications, recent developments in catalysis, applica- tion of nanomaterials in catalysis.

CHEM G557 : Solid Phase Synthesis and Combinatorial Chemistry

A comprehensive understanding of solid phase synthesis and combinatorial chemistry, basic prin- ciples of solid phase organic synthesis; solid phase organic synthesis strategies; introduction to combinatorial chemistry; analytical techniques in combinatorial chemistry; applications of the com- binatorial approach in chemistry, drug develop- ment and biotechnology.

CHEM G558 : Electronic Structure Theory

Advanced methods in theoretical and computa- tional chemistry based on Quantum Mechanics: Review of mathematical background, N- Dimension complex vector spaces, linear varia- tional problem, many electron wave functions and operators, operators and matrix elements; Ab- initio methods: Hartree-Fock (H-F), Configuration Interaction (CI), Many Body Perturbation Theory (MBP T); Density Functional Theory: Thomas- Fermi model, Hohenberg-Kohn theorems, deriva- tion of Kohn-Sham equations; Development and use of software for such models.

CHEM G559 : Bioinorganic Chemistry

Fundamentals of inorganic biochemistry; essential and non-essential elements in bio-systems, metal- loproteins and metalloenzymes; role of metal ions in oxygen carriers, synthetic oxygen carriers, bio- inorganic chips and biosensors; fixation of dinitro- gen, environmental bioinorganic chemistry; trans- port and storage of metal ions in vivo, metal com- plexes as probes of structure and reactivity with metal substitution; fundamentals of toxicity and detoxification, chelating agents and metal che- lates as medicines, nuclear medicines.

CHEM G561 : Heterocyclic Chemistry

The fundamental structural characteristics; synthesis and reactions of various heterocycles with nitrogen, oxygen and sulphur heteroatom in the ring; heterocyles such as pyrrole, thiophene, furan, imidazole, thiazole, oxazole, indole, benzofuran, pyridine and quinoline; advanced synthesis and reaction mechanism of heterocyclic compound.

CHEM G562 : Solid State Chemistry

Basics of solid state chemistry, comprehensive survey of different synthesis techniques, properties and their structural-property relationship of solid materials; introduction to special nanomaterials, ceramics, polymers, biopolymers and nanocomposites; thermal and mechanical properties of nanomaterials; nanocomposites in hydrophobic applications; recent advances in material science.

CHEM G563 : Advanced Statistical Mechanics

Review of ensembles, fluctuations, Boltzmann statistics, quantum statistics, ideal gases and chemical equilibrium; imperfect gases; distribution function theories and perturbation theories of classical liquids; electrolyte solutions; kinetic theory of gases; continuum mechanics; Boltzmann equation; transport processes in gases and Brownian motion; introduction to time- correlation function formalism.

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