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CHEM F110 : Chemistry Laboratory

This laboratory course consists of experiments based on fundamental principles and techniques of chemistry emphasizing on physical-chemical measurements, quantitative & qualitative analysis and preparations.

CHEM F111 : General Chemistry

This course is aimed at providing an integrated overview of chemistry. Topics to be discussed will include: quantum theory; electronic structure of atoms and molecules; spectroscopy; chemical thermodynamics; chemical kinetics; stereochemistry; important classes of organic reactions such as nucleophilic aliphatic substitution, elimination, electrophilic addition, free radical addition; organic synthesis; chemistry of selected main group elements; coordination chemistry, etc.

CHEM F211 : Physical Chemistry I

Kinetic-molecular theory of gases; perfect gas; pressure and temperature; Maxwell distribution; collisions, effusion, mean free path; Boltzmann distribution law and heat capacities; first law of thermodynamics; p-V work, internal energy, enthalpy; Joule-Thomson experiment; second law; heat engines, cycles; entropy; thermodynamic temperature scale; material equilibrium; Gibbs energy; chemical potential; phase equilibrium; reaction equilibrium; standard states, enthalpies; Temperature dependence of reaction heats; third law; estimation of thermodynamic properties; perfect gas reaction equilibrium; temperature dependence; one component phase equilibrium, Clapeyron equation; real gases, critical state, corresponding states; solutions, partial molar quantities, ideal and non-ideal solutions, activity coefficients, Debye-Huckel theory; standard state properties of solution components; Reaction equilibrium in non-ideal solutions, weak acids-buffers, coupled reactions; multi- component phase equilibrium-colligative properties, two and three component systems, solubility; electrochemical systems- thermodynamics of electrochemical systems and galvanic cells, standard electrode potentials, concentration cells, liquid junction, ion selective electrodes, double layer, dipole moments and polarizations, applications in biology, concept of over voltage.

CHEM F212 : Organic Chemistry I

Basic terminology and representation of organic reactions; thermodynamics and kinetics of reactions; reactive intermediates (carbocations, carbanions, free radicals, nitrenes carbenes); aromatic chemistry; properties, preparation and reactions of alkyl halides, alcohols, ethers, amines and nitrocompounds; carbonyl compounds; carboxylic acid and derivatives; carbohydrates.

CHEM F213 : Physical Chemistry II

Origin of quantum theory-black body radiation, line spectra, photoelectric effect; wave particle duality; wave equation: normal modes, superposition; postulates of quantum mechanics, time dependence, Hermitian operators, commutator; Schrödinger equation, operators, observables, solution for particle in a box, normalization, variance, momentum; harmonic oscillator, vibrational spectroscopy; rigid rotor, angular momentum, rotational spectroscopy; Hydrogen atom-orbitals, effect of magnetic field; Variation method, variation theorem, secular determinants; Many electron atoms and molecules; Born Oppenheimer approximation, VB Theory, H2 in VB, Coulomb, ex-change, overlap integrals states of H2; antisym-metric wavefunctions two electron systems, Slater determinants, HF method; SCF method; term symbols and spectra, configuration, state, Hund’s rules, atomic spectra, spin orbit interaction; basic MO theory, homonuclear diatomics-N2, O2, SCF-LCAO-MO, molecular term symbols; HMO theory-π electron approximation, conjugated, cyclic systems.

CHEM F214 : Inorganic Chemistry I

Structure of molecules: VSEPR model; ionic crystal structure, structure of complex solids; concepts of inorganic chemistry: electronegativity, acid- base chemistry, chemistry of aqueous and non- aqueous solvents; descriptive chemistry of some elements: periodicity, chemistry of transition metals, halogens and noble gases; inorganic chains, rings, cages and clusters.

CHEM F223 : Colloid and Surface Chemistry

Surface phenomena; intermolecular forces relevant to colloidal systems; forces in colloidal systems; experimental and theoretical studies of the structure, dynamics and phase transitions in micelles, membranes, monolayers, bilayers, vesicles and related systems; technical applications.

CHEM F241 : Inorganic Chemistry II

Coordination Chemistry: Bonding - Valence Bond, Crystal Field, and Molecular Orbital theories; Complexes - nomenclature, isomerism, coordination numbers, structure, electronic spectra, magnetic properties, chelate effect; Reactions nucleophilic substitution reactions, kinetics, mechanisms; descriptive chemistry of Lanthanides and A ctinides; Organometallic Chemistry: structure and reaction of metal carbonyls, nitrosyls, dinitro- gens, alkyls, carbenes, carbynes, carbides, alkenes, alkynes, and metallocenes; catalysis by organometallic compounds; stereochemically non- rigid molecules.

CHEM F242 : Chemical Experimentation I

This course is based on laboratory experiments in the field of organic chemistry. Qualitative organic analysis including preliminary examination, detec- tion of functional groups, preparation and recrys- tallization of derivatives, separation and identifi- cation of the two component mixtures using chemical and physical methods; quantitative analysis such as determination of the percentage/ number of hydroxyl groups in organic compounds by ace- tylation method, estimation of amines/ phenols us- ing bromate-bromide solution/ acetylation method, determination of iodine and saponification values of an oil sample; single step synthesis such as benzaldehyde to cinnamic acid; multistep synthesis such as phthallic anhydride, phthallimide, anthranillic acid; extraction of organic compounds from natural sources: isolation of caffeine from tea leaves, casein from milk, lactose from milk, lycopene from tomatoes, beta- carotene from carrots etc.; demonstration on the use of software such as Chem Draw, Chem-Sketch or ISI-Draw.

CHEM F243 : Organic Chemistry II

Introduction to stereoisomers; symmetry ele- ments; configuration; chirality in molecules devoid of chiral centers (allenes, alkylidenecycloalkanes, spiranes, biphenyl); atropisomerism; stereochemi- stry of alkenes; conformation of acyclic molecules; conformations of cyclic molecules; reaction me- chanisms; asymmetric synthesis; photochemistry and pericyclic reactions.

CHEM F244 : Physical Chemistry III

Symmetry: symmetry operations, point groups, reducible and irreducible representations, charac- ter tables, SALC, degeneracy, vibrational modes IR-Raman activity identification; matrix evaluation of operators; stationary state perturbation theory; time dependent perturbation theory; virial and Hellmann-Feynmann theorems; polyatomic mole- cules: SCF MO treatment, basis sets, population analysis, molecular electrostatic potentials, loca- lized MOs; VB method; configuration interaction, Moller Plesset perturbation theory; semi empirical methods-all valence electron methods: CNDO,INDO, NDDO; Density Functional Theory: Hohenberg-Kohn theorems, Kohn-Sham self con- sistent field approach, exchange correlation func- tional; molecular mechanics.

CHEM F311 : Organic Chemistry III

Applications of important reagents and reactions in organic synthesis and disconnection or synthon approach will be emphasized in this course. Basic principles of disconnection, order of events, che- mioselectivity, regioselectivity etc. Common or- ganic reagents, Organometallic reagents, Transi- tion metal catalyzed reactions, introduction to re- terosynthetic analysis using one group C-X and C- C disconnections, two group C-X and C-C discon- nections, ring synthesis (saturated heterocycles), synthesis of heterocyclic compounds and complex molecules.

CHEM F312 : Physical Chemistry IV

Weak forces; surface chemistry: interphase re- gion, thermodynamics, surface films on liquids, adsorption of gases on solids, colloids, micelles, and reverse micellar structures; transport processes: kinetics, thermal conductivity, viscosi- ty, diffusion, sedimentation; electrical conductivity in metals and in solutions; reaction kinetics, mea- surement of rates; integrated rate laws; rate laws and equilibrium constants for elementary reac- tions; reaction mechanisms; temperature dependence of rate constants; rate constants and equi- librium constants; rate law in non ideal systems; uni, bi and tri molecular reactions, chain reactions, free-radical polymerizations; fast reactions; reac- tions in solutions; heterogeneous and enzyme catalysis; introduction to statistical thermodynamics theories of reaction rates; molecular reaction dynamics.

CHEM F313 : Instrumental Methods of Analysis

Principles and practice of modern instrumental methods of chemical analysis. Emphasis on spec- troscopic techniques such as UV-Visible, infrared, NMR (1H, 13C and other elements, NOE, correla- tion spectroscopies), ESR, atomic absorption and emission, photoelectron, Mössbauer, and fluores- cence. Other topics will include mass spectrome- try, separation techniques, light scattering, electroanalytical methods, thermal analysis, and dif- fraction methods.

CHEM F323 : Biophysical Chemistry

The principles governing the molecular shapes, structures, structural transitions and dynamics in some important classes of biomolecules and bio- molecular aggregates will be discussed. The top- ics will include: structure, conformational analysis, conformational transitions and equilibria in pro- teins and nucleic acids; protein folding; lipids - monolayers,bilayers and micelles; lipid-protein in- teractions in membranes.

CHEM F324 : Numerical Methods in Chemistry

Selected problems in chemistry from diverse areas such as chemical kinetics and dynamics, quantum mechanics, electronic structure of molecules, spectroscopy, molecular mechanics and conformational analysis, thermodynamics, and structure and properties of condensed phases will be discussed. The problems chosen will illustrate the application of various mathematical and numerical methods such as those used in the solu- tion of systems of algebraic equations, differential equations, and minimization of multidimensional functions, Fourier transform and Monte Carlo methods.

CHEM F325 : Polymer Chemistry

Types of polymers; structures of polymers; mole- cular weight and molecular weight distributions; kinetics and mechanisms of major classes of polymerization reactions such as step growth, radi- cal, ionic, heterogeneous, and copolymerization methods; polymer solutions- solubility, lattice model and the Flory- Huggins theory, solution vis- cosity; bulk properties- thermal and mechanical properties such as the melting and glass transi- tions, rubber elasticity, and viscous flow; polymerization reactions used in industry.

CHEM F326 : Solid State Chemistry

X-ray diffraction; point groups, space groups and crystal structure; descriptive crystal chemistry; factors which influence crystal structure; crystal defects and nonstoichiometry; solid solutions; interpretation of the phase diagrams; phase transitions; ionic conductivity and solid electrolytes; electronic properties and band theory; magnetic properties; optical properties; analysis of single crystal X RD data; preparation of solid state materials and the chemistry of device fabrication.

CHEM F327 : Electrochemistry : Fundamentals and Applications

Electrode Processes: Overpotential, Faradaic and non-faradaic processes, the ideal polarized electrode, capacitance and charge of an electrode, electrical double layer; primary and secondary cells, variables in electrochemical cells, factors af- fecting electrode reaction, cell resistance; Mass transfer: steady-state mass transfer, semiempiri- cal treatment of the transient response, coupled reversible and irreversible reactions, reference electrodes; Kinetics of electrode reactions: Arrhe- nius equation and potential energy surfaces, equi- librium conditions, Tafel Plots; rate determining electron transfer, Nernstian, quasireversible, and irreversible multistep processes; Marcus Theory; mass transfer by migration and diffusion; basic potential step methods; Ultramicroelectrodes (UME) potential sweep methods; polarography and pulse voltammetry; controlled current tech- niques; impedance; bulk and flow electrolysis; electrochemical instrumentation; scanning probe techniques, STM, AFM, Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy, approach curves, imaging surface to- pography and reactivity, potentiometric tips, applications.

CHEM F328 : Supramolecular Chemistry

Non-covalent interactions and their role in “su- permolecules” and organized polymolecular sys- tems; concepts of molecular recognition, information and complementarity; molecular receptors: design principles, binding and recognition of neu- tral molecules and anionic substrates, coreceptor molecules and multiple recognition, linear recognition of molecular lengths by ditopic coreceptors, heterotopic coreceptors, amphiphilic receptors, large molecular cages; supramolecular dynamics; supramolecular catalysis: reactive macrocyclic cation and anion receptor molecules, cyclophane type receptor, metallocatalysis, catalysis of syn- thetic reactions, biomolecular and abiotic cataly- sis, heterogeneous catalysis; transport processes and carrier design: cation and anion carriers, elec- tron, proton and light coupled transport processes, transfer via transmembrane channels; supramole- cular assemblies: heterogeneous molecular rec- ognition, supramolecular solids, molecular recog- nition at surfaces, molecular and supramolecular morphogenesis; supramolecular photochemistry: photonic devices, light conversion and energy transfer devices, photosensitive molecular recep- tors, photoinduced electron transfer and reac- tions, non-linear optical properties; supramolecu- lar electrochemistry: electronic devices, molecular wires, polarized molecular wires, switchable mo- lecular wires, molecular magnetic devices; ionic devices, tubular mesophases, ion-responsive mo- nolayers, molecular protonics, ion and molecular sensors, switching devices and signals, photos- witching and electroswitching devices, switching of ionic and molecular processes, mechanical switching processes; self-assembly: inorganic ar- chitectures, organic structures by hydrogen bond- ing; helical metal complexes, supramolecular arrays of metal ions – racks, ladders and grids, mo- lecular recognition directed self-assembly of orga- nized phases; supramolecular polymers; ordered solid-state structures; supramolecular synthesis, assistance, replication; supramolecular chirality; supramolecular materials.

CHEM F329 : Analytical Chemistry

Data handling; sample preparation; unit opera- tions; volumetric and gravimetric analysis; chro- matography; solvent and solid phase extraction; absorption and emission techniques; potentiome- try, voltammetry; trace metal separation and esti- mation in biological and environmental samples with emphasis on green chemistry, sensors; laboratory training in some of these techniques.

CHEM F330 : Photophysical Chemistry

Absorption of the electromagnetic radiation; pho- tophysical processes such as fluorescence, phos- phorescence, non-radiative transitions, and de- layed luminescence, excimer and exciplex forma- tion; triplet state: radiative and non-radiative tran- sitions; energy transfer, fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), quenching of fluores- cence; fluorescence decay; protein and DNA fluo- rescence; time-resolved emission spectra (TRES); time-dependent anisotropy decays; application of photophysics for the characterization of biological and bio-mimicking systems. In addition to the theory, through simple experiments, laboratory training will be imparted.

CHEM F333 : Chemistry of Materials

Solid state structure : unit cells, metallic crystal structures, polymorphism and allotropy, crystallo- graphic direction and planes, closed packed crys- tal structures, polycrystalline materials, anisotro- py; meso and micro porous materials: zeolites, composites, synthesis, characterization (XRD, SEM, TEM, AFM, FTIR, NMR, TGA, and DTA) and applications; ceramics and glass materials: crystalline and non-crystalline nature, glass- ceramics, processing; polymers: synthesis, struc- ture, properties, inorganic polymers; mechanical properties: stress and strain, elastic and tensile properties, hardness, phase transformations, mi- crostructure, alteration of mechanical properties; magnetic properties: atomic magnetism in solids, the exchange interaction, classification of magnet- ic materials, diamagnetism, pauli paramagnetism, ferromagnetism, antiferromagnetism, ferrimagnet- ism, superparamagnetism, ferromagnetic do- mains, hysteresis loop, hard and soft ferrites, ap- plications; electrical properties: conductivity, band theory, types of semiconductors, time depen- dence of conductivity, mobility of charge carriers, metal-metal junction, metal–semiconductor junc- tion, n-type and p-type semiconductors; optical properties: refraction, reflection, absorption, transmission, luminescence, photoconductivity, opacity and translucency in insulators, optical fi- bers; thermal properties: heat capacity, thermal expansion, conductivity, thermal stresses; corro- sion: electrochemistry of corrosion of metals, dif- ferent forms, environmental effects, prevention.

CHEM F334 : Magnetic Resonance

Classical treatment of motion of isolated spins; quantum mechanical description of spin in static and alternating magnetic fields; Bloch equations; spin echoes; transient and steady state res- ponses; absorption and dispersion; magnetic di- polar broadening; formal theory of chemical shifts; Knight shift; second order spin effects; spin-lattice relaxation; spin temperature; density matrix; Bloch-Wangsness-Redfield theory; adiabatic and sudden changes; saturation; spin locking; double resonance; Overhauser effect; ENDOR; pulsed magnetic resonance: Carr-Purcell sequence, phase alternation, spin-flip narrowing, real pulses; electric quadrupole effects; spin-spin coupling; 2D correlation spectroscopies: COSY , DQF, INADE- QUA TE experiments; CIDNP; electron paramag- netic resonance (EPR); nuclear quadrupolar re- sonance; muon spin resonance; magnetic reson- ance imaging.

CHEM F335 : Organic Chemistry and Drug Design

An introduction to organic chemistry principles and reactivities vital to drug design, drug devel- opment and drug action; the role of molecular size, shape, and charge, and in drug action; pro- teins and nucleic acids as drug targets; bioisoster- ism; ADME, QSAR and drug design; applied mo- lecular modeling and combinatorial synthesis; Synthesis of some selected chemotherapeutic agents (e.g antifungal, antibacterial, antimalarial, anticancer etc.)

CHEM F336 : Nanochemistry

Nano and nature, importance of nanoscience, chemistry behind nano; instruments for characte- rizing nanomaterials; diversity in nanosystems: chemical aspects of metallic, magnetic and semi- conducting nanomaterials, carbon nanotubes and fullerenes, self-assembled monolayers, monolayer protected metal nanomaterials, core-shell nano- materials; applications of nano materials in nano- biology, nanosensors and nanomedicine; hands on experience in laboratory.

CHEM F337 : Green Chemistry and Catalysis

Definition and overview of the twelve principles of Green Chemistry, alternative starting materials; al- ternative synthesis and reagents; E factor and the concept of atom economy; the role of catalysis, alternate energy sources (microwave & ultra- sound), catalysis by solid acids and bases, bio- catalysis, catalytic reduction, catalytic oxidation, catalytic C–C bond formation, cascade catalysis, enantioselective catalysis, alternative reaction media, renewable raw materials, industrial applications of catalysis.

CHEM F341 : Chemical Experimentation II

This course is based on laboratory experiments in the fields of inorganic, physical and analytical chemistry. Quantitative separation and determina- tion of pairs of metal ions using gravimetric and volumetric methods; Ion exchange chromatogra- phy; Separation & estimation of metal ions using ion exchangers and solvent extraction techniques; Determination of Keq of M – L systems by colori- metry; Preparation, purification and structural stu- dies (magnetic, electronic and IR) of inorganic complex compounds; Physical property mea- surements such as conductance, pH, viscosity, surface tension, refractive index, specific rotation etc. Experiments to illustrate the principles of thermodynamics, kinetics, chemical equilibrium, phase equilibrium, electrochemistry, adsorption, etc.

CHEM F342 : Organic Chemistry IV

The fundamental structural characteristics, syn- thesis and reaction of various heterocyclic com- pounds, natural products and biomolecules will be emphasized in this course. Structure, nomencla- ture and common reactions of heterocyclic com- pounds; synthesis, properties and reactions of three-, four-, five-, and six membered ring sys- tems; condensed five and six membered ring sys- tems, introduction to natural products; terpenoids, steroids, lipids, alkaloids, amino acids, peptides, proteins and vitamins.

CHEM F343 : Inorganic Chemistry III

Inorganic elements in biological systems: role of alkali and alkaline earth metal ions, iron, copper and molybdenum; metalloenzymes. Metals in medicine: metal deficiency and disease; toxicity of mercury, cadmium, lead, beryllium, selenium and arsenic; biological defence mechanisms and chelation therapy. Molecular magnetic materials: tri- nuclear and high nuclearity compounds; magnetic chain compounds; magnetic long-range ordering in molecular compounds; design of molecular magnets. Other emerging topics in inorganic chemistry.

CHEM F412 : Photochemistry and Laser Spectroscopy

Photochemical events : absorption, fluorescence and phosphorescence; Jablonski diagrams; phys- ical properties of molecules after photoexcitation; photochemical tools and techniques: spectropho- tometers, fluorescence decay time measurement and analysis, flash photolysis; fundamental prop- erties of laser light; principles of laser operation ; description of some specific laser systems : Helium, Neon, Argon ion, CO2, Nd-YAG and ultrafast Titanium : Sapphire lasers.

CHEM F413 : Electron Correlation in Atoms and Molecules

Matrix algebra, Matrix representation of operators; mean-field approach: the Hartree-Fock method- formulation, coulomb and exchange integrals, Fock-operator, second quantization, Slater rules, self-consistency, correlation energy; Brillouin's theorem, Koopmans' theorem; basis-sets, re- stricted Hartree-Fock, Roothan-Hall equations; unrestricted Hartree-Fock method, spin- contamination; restricted open-shell Hartree-Fock method; Recovery of correlation energy time in- dependent perturbation approach: Brillouin- Wigner and Rayleigh-Schrodinger perturbation theories; Møller Plesset and Epstein-Nesbeth partitioning of molecular Hamiltonion, many-body per- turbation theory; Feynman diagrams, connected and disconnected terms, size-consistency; Re- covery of correlation energy: configuration interac- tion and other non-perturbative approaches, varia- tional and projection approaches for obtaining CI anasatz, truncated CI and size-consistency prob- lem, Davidson correction, pair-coupled-pair theory, coupled-electron-pair method and coupled-cluster approach; Density functional theory, N-representability, V-representability, Kohn-Sham approach, natural orbitals, exchange- correlation functionals, Levy functional.

CHEM F414 : Bio and Chemical Sensors

Biological and chemical recognition: reaction ki- netics, signals and noise, sensitivity, specificity, selectivity; IUPAC definition of biosensors, their classification based on receptors and transducers; analytical characteristics of various types of bio and chemical sensors, performance criteria of biosensors; electrochemical, optical, thermal, pie- zoelectric transducer selections for immunosen- sors and enzyme sensors; sufrace functionaliazai- ton of transducers, novel self assembly tech- niques, coupling of biomolecules on different sur- faces and their characterization; thermal biosen- sors, enzyme thermistor; miniaturization of sen- sors and flow injection techniques; applications in analysis such as urea, penicillin, pesticides, cho- lesterol; optical biosensor mechanisms: fluores- cence and chemiluminescence techniques; elec- trochemical biosensors: impedimetric and ampe- rometric biosensors; electrochemical quartz crys- tal micro balance, applications in chemical and bi- ological analysis; flow injection systems vs. static measurements, protein-protein interaction and quantification; principle of inhibition based biosen- sor for enzyme and immunoassay, pretreatment techniques in bio-analysis.

CHEM F415 : Frontiers in Organic Synthesis

Traditional and classic organic synthesis; modern synthetic strategies; systematic approach in terms of progress in reaction methodologies in synthe- sizing complex natural molecules; metal-catalyzed C-C and C-X couplings; direct functionalization via C-H and C-C activation; development of organo- catalysis: metal-free catalysis; direct functionaliza- tion of olefins including hydroamination, hydrogenation, hydrosilylation, hydroformylation and other C-C bond forming reactions; the potential of radi- cal chemistry for C-C and C-X bond formation; metal-catalyzed carbocyclization: from Ru and Rh-mediated cycloadditions to Pt and Au chemistry; one-pot multi-steps reactions: avoiding time and resource-consuming isolation procedures; tracing the development from the first total syn- thesis to the state of the art for some complex molecules.

CHEM F422 : Statistical Thermodynamics

Review of classical thermodynamics, principles of statistical thermodynamics, ensemble averages; Boltzmann distribution; partition functions and thermodynamic quantities; ideal gases and crys- tals; thermodynamic properties from spectroscop- ic and structural data; dense gases and the second virial coefficient; statistical mechanics of solutions; Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac statistics.

CHEM C211 : Atomic and Molecular Structure

Elements of quantum theory; the Schrodinger equation; some exactly solvable models; angular momentum; hydrogen-like atoms; approximation methods; electronic structure of many-electron atoms; molecules-Valence Bond and molecular orbital theories; semi-empirical treatments-huckel theory; molecular spectroscopy.

CHEM C222 : Modern Analytical Chemistry

Data handling and analysis; sample preparation; unit operations; volumetric and gravimetric analysis; oxidation-reduction and complexometric titrations; electroanalytical methods: potentiometry, ion selective electrodes, conductometry, polarography; separation techniques : chromatography, solvent extraction; introduction to spectroscopic methods; radiochemical methods; specific applications to problems in air and water quality analysis, toxic and trace metal estimation in biological and environmental samples.

CHEM C231 : Chemistry Project Laboratory

The course includes projects involving laboratory investigation or laboratory development in chemistry. The course is normally available to students of second or higher level. The course must coterminate with a project report.

CHEM C232 : Chemistry of Organic Compounds

Electrophilic and nucleophilic aromatic substitution; nucleophilic additions to carbonyl compounds, aldol and related condensations; amines, malonic ester and acetoacetic ester synthesis; carbohydrates; orbital symmetry and chemical reactions; hetrocyclic compounds.

CHEM C311 : Chemical Kinetics

Discussion of reaction rate theory, kinetics and mechanism of various types of reactions, effect of temperature on reaction rates, energy of activation, theories of reaction rates and photochemistry.

CHEM C321 : Chemical Thermodynamics

Review of classical thermodynamics and an introduction to statistical mechanics with applications to chemical systems.

CHEM C322 : Quantum Chemistry

Review of the postulates of quantum mechanics and some exactly solvable potential problems; angular momentum; variation method; stationary state and time dependent perturbation theory; atomic structure: antisymmetry, determinantal wave functions, SCF method, coupling of angular momenta, spectra; symmetry: point groups, representations, direct product, projection operators; molecules – Born-Oppenheimer approximation, molecular Hartree Fock calculations, VB and MO theories: ab initio and semi empirical methods; symmetry and molecular spectra.

CHEM C331 : Structure and Reactivity of Organic Compounds

Structure & reactivity; oxidation and reduction, aliphatic nucleophilic substitution; aromatic substitution reactions; eliminations, addition to carbon heteromultiple bonds and rearrangements; stereo chemistry of cyclic compounds.

CHEM C332 : Synthetic Organic Chemistry

Retrosynthetic analysis, synthetic strategies, protecting groups, carbon-carbon bond forming reactions, functional group disconnection, carbon-carbon bond disconnection, ring annelation, multistep synthesis, synthetic equivalents, asymmetric synthesis.

CHEM C352 : Bonding in Inorganic Compounds

Point groups and molecular symmetry; uses of point group symmetry; ionic bonding; covalent bonding; valence bond and molecular orbital theories of simple compounds; electronegativity; VSEPR model; fluxional molecules; ionic and covalent solids; band theory; dipole related forces; hydrogen bonding; coordination compounds: VB, crystal field and MO theories, electronic spectra and magnetic properties.

CHEM C362 : Chemistry of Inorganic Compounds

Periodicity; periodic anomalies; p orbitals in pi bonding; d orbitals in non-metal chemistry: similarities and contrasts within a group, e.g., C-Si, N-P; chemistry of boron hydrides, aluminosilicates; hydrogen; acid-base concepts; hard and soft acids and bases; chemistry in aqueous and nonaqueous media; halogens and noble gases; coordination chemistry: different coordination numbers, chelation, isometrism and reactivity; chemistry of metals; introduction to bioinorganic and organometallic chemistry.

CHEM C391 : Instrumental Methods of Analysis

Principles and practice of modern instrumental methods of chemical analysis. Emphasis on spectroscopic techniques such as UV-Visible, infrared, NMR (1H, 13C and other elements, NOE, correlation spectroscopies), ESR, atomic absorption and emission, photoelectron, Mossbauer, and fluorescence. Other topics will include mass spectrometry, separation techniques, light scattering, electroanalytical methods, thermal analysis, and diffraction methods.

CHEM C411 : Chemical Experimentation

Specially designed for M.Sc. (Hons.) Chemistry; cannot be taken by others under any circumstances. This laboratory course is designed only for M.Sc. (Hons.) Chemistry students.

CHEM C491 : Special Projects

Short-term research-based course

Task Runner