Error: An error has occurred while getting the output. Error: The svg file (wiki://media>wiki:logo.svg) is not a valid svg. Error: Error while loading HTMLError: attributes construct error , Loaded text: Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019


The ability of an instrument to differentiate between two energies (or wavelengths, or frequencies, or masses) that are relatively close to one another is referred to as its resolution. In most cases, a higher resolution for an instrument that utilizes mechanical slits will result in decreased intensity.

Spectral resolution

A spectrograph's or, more generally speaking, a frequency spectrum's spectral resolution can be thought of as a measurement of how well it can distinguish between different elements present in the electromagnetic spectrum. It is commonly denoted by 20221110 190831

where {\displaystyle \Delta \lambda }\Delta \lambda is the smallest difference in wavelengths that can be distinguished at a wavelength of {\displaystyle \lambda }\lambda .

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