रेट्रोसिंथेटिक विश्लेषण

Retrosynthetic Analysis

रेट्रोसिंथेटिक विश्लेषण का उपयोग मल्टीस्टेप संश्लेषण समस्याओं को हल करने के लिए उपयोग करें

The process of retrosynthetic analysis is a method for resolving issues that arise during the planning of organic synthesis. This is accomplished by reducing the complexity of the precursor structures of a target molecule, irrespective of any potential reagent reactivity or interaction that may have existed. Every precursor material goes through the exact identical testing procedure. This process is performed several times until simple or readily available commercial structures are achieved. The desired molecule can be synthesized by combining these simpler, commercially accessible compounds with one another to generate the synthesis. This idea was given a more concrete shape in the book titled “The Logic of Chemical Synthesis” which was written by E.J. Corey.

When it comes to planning a synthesis, the value of a retrosynthetic analysis really shines through. The purpose of conducting a retrosynthetic analysis is to simplify the structure. Most of the time, a single synthesis can be accomplished by more than one method. The process of retrosynthesis is particularly well adapted to the task of locating several synthetic pathways and contrasting them in a manner that is rational and uncomplicated. At each level of the analysis, a database may be checked in order to determine whether or not a component already exists in the body of published research. If such were the case, then there would be no need for any additional investigation of that substance. If the molecule in question already exists, then using it as a starting point for developing additional steps that lead to a synthesis is possible.

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