Error: An error has occurred while getting the output. Error: The svg file (wiki://media>wiki:logo.svg) is not a valid svg. Error: Error while loading HTMLError: attributes construct error , Loaded text: Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

The results of surveys can provide evidence on knowledge, practices, and attitudes. However, good survey research is much more difficult to conduct than it may appear. The goal of the authors is to offer direction, not only to researchers but also to readers, regarding how to conduct and interpret survey research. Surveys, like other types of research, should have well-defined research questions that are answered by the fewest number of high-quality, essential survey items) that are designed to pique the interest of the population being studied. Readers and researchers alike need to put themselves in the shoes of those who responded to the survey. The survey questions should take less than ten minutes to answer, provide results that can be reproduced (which would indicate reliability), measure what they are intended to measure (which would indicate validity), and provide reliable data. A good survey research report will provide results with valid and reliable answers to the research question, as well as an adequate response rate (at least 40%) and adequate precision (the margin of error should ideally be 5% or less). The potential for bias on the part of those who did not respond (also known as nonresponders) needs to be thoroughly investigated and discussed. When conducting research using a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods, it is possible to gain additional insight by combining the two sets of findings. It is important to ask survey questions that are reliable, valid, and that can be answered in an acceptable amount of time in order to ensure that the results can be reproduced. Additionally, it is important to develop a strong sampling plan that can provide good data on the population being studied. Surveys must be carefully designed, the questions must be worded precisely, and the sample size needs to be large enough to generate reliable data. Conducting a good survey research report requires the utmost attention to detail in order to ensure that the data collected is valid, reliable, and free from bias.


  1. Story, D. A., & Tait, A. R. (2019). Survey Research. Anesthesiology, 130(2), 192–202.
  2. Kelley, K., Clark, B., Brown, V., & Sitzia, J. (2003). Good practice in the conduct and reporting of survey research. International Journal for Quality in Health Care.
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