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The Most Important Key to National Education Reform

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Today, the world is increasingly interconnected, and people are more mobile than ever. As a result, cultural exchange, trade and investment have grown significantly, spurring innovation in all areas of the economy. A strong educational system ensures that people everywhere can compete effectively in this global marketplace. A well-educated population will spur economic growth, drive innovation and create new businesses. Moreover, an educated workforce enables countries to quickly adapt to changing market needs and trends. Educational reform is not easy; it's a continuous process that requires commitment from everyone involved— parents, teachers, administrators and policymakers. But by taking small steps regularly you can improve your children’s education at any school or homeschooling program.

Commit to continuous learning.

In today's world, the only constant is change. This is especially true in the world of education, where new trends, technologies and best practices emerge constantly. When families, educators and policymakers commit to continuous learning, everyone benefits: Students become more engaged in their education, teachers can stay up to date with best practices, and parents learn how they can be most helpful to their children’s learning. Educational institutions can adapt more quickly to new challenges, and students will emerge more prepared to meet the demands of the global marketplace.

Make education a priority.

When families and communities value education, everyone wins. Studies show that students who come from households where education is prioritized perform better on standardized tests, are more likely to attend college and are more likely to stay in the workforce. If families and policymakers view education as a priority, it sends a clear signal to students and teachers alike that learning is valued. It also sends a signal to businesses that the country is committed to producing a well-trained workforce.

Develop an effective curriculum.

A curriculum is a guide to what students should be learning at every grade level. Curriculum guides provide teachers with a roadmap for what’s coming up in the classroom and what their students should be able to do. Educational policymakers must invest in curriculum guides that are aligned with a country’s educational goals. Ideally, they should be tailored to each individual student’s needs. Educational institutions at all levels must be transparent about what they’re teaching and why. They should communicate with parents, teachers and policymakers constantly, making it easy to understand the curriculum and how it equips students for future success.

Establish quality teacher training and recruiting programs.

Effective teachers are the most important factor in student learning. That’s why educational institutions must invest heavily in quality teacher training programs. Teachers who have been trained with lesson plans that are aligned with national standards have a much easier time teaching effectively. Educational institutions must also put a premium on recruiting the best and brightest teachers. They should prioritize hiring educators who are dynamic, engaging and well prepared to design effective lessons.

Build a strong foundation in math and science.

Mathematics, science and engineering are fundamental to all aspects of modern life. They are critical for creating new technologies, growing businesses and managing the economy. Yet, many countries have fallen behind in these core subjects. This presents an opportunity for educational systems everywhere to make a strategic commitment to strengthening their offerings in math and science.


Most people agree that education is important, yet it doesn’t always get the attention it deserves. When it comes to prioritizing spending, education is often at the bottom of the list. There are many ways to improve education, but the most important key is making it a priority. If we want to see real change, we have to make it a priority. And remember, it’s not just about our kids. It’s about everyone—teachers, parents, lawmakers and students alike.

Note: ARticle in draft. This article may contain error. It is not final article.

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