Functional group strategies

Manipulation of functional groups can lead to significant reductions in molecular complexity.

Stereochemical strategies

Numerous chemical targets have distinct stereochemical demands. Stereochemical transformations (such as the Claisen rearrangement and Mitsunobu reaction) can remove or transfer the desired chirality thus simplifying the target.

Structure-goal strategies

Directing a synthesis toward a desirable intermediate can greatly narrow the focus of analysis. This allows bidirectional search techniques.

Transform-based strategies

The application of transformations to retrosynthetic analysis can lead to powerful reductions in molecular complexity. Unfortunately, powerful transform-based retrons are rarely present in complex molecules, and additional synthetic steps are often needed to establish their presence.

Topological strategies

The identification of one or more key bond disconnections may lead to the identification of key substructures or difficult to identify rearrangement transformations in order to identify the key structures.

Disconnections that preserve ring structures are encouraged. Disconnections that create rings larger than 7 members are discouraged. Disconnection involves creativity.