Module-I Research Methods (a) Introduction to research; Definitions and characteristics of research; Types of research; Main components of any research work. Topic Selection: Learning Objectives; Problem identification; Criteria for prioritizing problems for research. (b) Analysis and Statement of the problem: Learning Objectives; analyzing the problem; formulating the problem statement. Literature review: Uses of literature review; Source of information; Organization of information on index cards. © Research methodologies: Study population; Variables; Sampling; Sample size determination; Plan for data collection; Methods of data collection; Plan for data processing and analysis; Ethical considerations. (d) Work Plan; Major components and outline of the different phases in a research process; Summary of the major components of a research proposal; Fieldwork; Writing a research report.

Module-II Quantitative Methods

(a) Measures of Central Tendency (Mean, Median, Mode), Measures of dispersion (Range, Mean Deviation, Standard Deviation, Quartile Deviation), Graphs (Bar Chart, Pie Chart, Box Plot, Histogram, Ogive, scatter plot). (b) Hypothesis Testing (students T-test, Z-test, Chi-square test). Analysis of variance (ANOVA)

Module-III Computer Applications (a) Spreadsheet tool: Introduction to spread-sheet applications, features & functions, using formulae & functions, data storing, features for statistical data analysis, generating charts/graphs & other features. [Tools: Microsoft Excel, Open office and similar or other advanced tools] (b) Presentation tool: Introduction to presentation tool, feartures & functions, creating presentations, customising presentation. [Tools used: Microsoft Powerpoint, Open Office or any other tool] © Web Search: introduction to internet, Use of Internet & www, using search engines using advanced search tools. (d) Applications of statistical methods using statistical software