Chemical Bonding and Shapes of compounds

1. Inorganic Chemistry - J. E. Huheey
2. Inorganic Chemistry - Meissler & Tarr

Main Group Elements (s and p blocks)

1. Concise Inorganic Chemistry - J. D. Lee

Transition Metal & Coordination Compounds (d block)

1. Concise Inorganic Chemistry - J. D. Lee

2. Inorganic Chemistry -Meissler & Tarr

3. Mechanism of Inorganic Reactions – Fred Basolo, Ralph G. Pearson

Organometallic Compounds

1. Concept and Models of Inorganic Chemistry – Bodie Douglas, Darl McDaniel, John Alexander

2. Inorganic Chemistry – Catherine E. Housecraft, Alan G. Sharpe

Bioinorganic Chemistry

1. Inorganic Chemistry – Shriver & Atkins
2. Inorganic Chemistry – James E. Huheey, E.A. Keiter, R. L. Keiter, O. K. Medhi

Analytical Chemistry

1. Instrumental Method – Skoog, Holler & Crouch